Owl Babies | 拾書所

Owl Babies

$ 245 元 原價 245

★ 《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單
★ 《Scholastic Raising A Rock-star Reader》推薦讀本

A tender tale to remind the youngest of children that Mommy always comes back. "I want my mommy!" Three baby owls awake one night to find their mother gone, and they can't help but wonder where she is. What is she doing? When will she be back? What scary things move all around them? Stunning illustrations from striking perspectives capture the anxious little owls as they worry. Not surprisingly, joyous flapping and dancing and bouncing greet the mother's return, lending a celebratory tone to the ending of this comforting tale. Never has the plight of young ones who miss their mother been so simply told or so beautifully rendered.

本書以溫馨的故事提醒孩子們,無論如何母親都會回到他們身邊。書中令人驚艷的繪圖在動人的詮釋下,精確地描繪出小貓頭鷹焦慮的神情。「我想找媽媽!」三隻貓頭鷹孩子說:「我要我媽媽!」他們晚上醒來發現媽媽不見了,他們不知道她在哪裡。 她在做什麼?她什麼時候回來?周圍有什麼可怕的事情?最後這故事迎向美好的結局,媽媽回來了,小貓頭鷹們開心地手舞足蹈。

 Age Range: 3 - 7 years 

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