Their passionate encounter happened long ago by whatever measurement Claire Randall took. Two decades before, she had traveled back in time and into the arms of a gallant eighteenth-century Scot named Jamie Fraser. Then she returned to her own century to bear his child, believing him dead in the tragic battle of Culloden. Yet his memory has never lessened its hold on her... and her body still cries out for him in her dreams. Then Claire discovers that Jamie survived. Torn between returning to him and staying with their daughter in her own era, Claire must choose her destiny. And as time and space come full circle, she must find the courage to face the passion and pain awaiting her...the deadly intrigues raging in a divided Scotland... and the daring voyage into the dark unknown that can reunite—or forever doom—her timeless love.
不論克萊兒‧藍鐸怎麼計算,那段熾熱的邂逅已經是好久好久以前的事了。二十年前,她穿越時光,回到十八世紀的蘇格蘭,和一位名叫傑米‧佛瑞哲的男人墜入情網。之後她以為傑米死於慘烈的卡洛登之戰而回到現代,並且生下傑米的孩子。然而,她始終沒有放下對傑米的回憶,午夜夢迴之際,她仍會渴求有他陪在身旁 。有天,克萊爾發現其實傑米並沒有死,她糾結於要回到過去尋找傑米,還是留在現代陪著女兒?不管如何她都必須選擇自己的命運。當時空交錯,她必須鼓起勇氣去面對等著她的激情和苦痛,在分裂的蘇格蘭 迎接她的是致命的陷阱嗎?她邁向未知黑暗的旅程能夠帶來團聚,還是永遠拆散她永恆的愛?