Once upon a time, Mirror Mirror, a brilliant book of fairy tale themed reversos–a poetic form in which the poem is presented forward and then backward–became a smashing success. Now a second book is here with more witty double takes on well-loved fairy tales such as Thumbelina and The Little Mermaid. Read these clever poems from top to bottom and they mean one thing. Then reverse the lines and read from bottom to top and they mean something else–it is almost like magic!
從前從前,有一本絕妙的童話詩集《Mirror Mirror》,書中收錄的全是可逐行唸、亦可反過來唸的回文詩,甫上市即獲得空前熱銷。如今,續集隆重登場,內有更多機智風趣的回文詩,題材則包括大眾喜愛的童話,如〈姆指姑娘〉和〈小美人魚〉等。由上而下順著讀這些精巧的小詩,能讀出一種含意;若反過來由下往上讀,神奇的是,意思竟然改變了!一起來體驗本書的魔力吧!
Age Range: 6 + years