A Night to Remember (Holt Paperback) (美國中學閱讀書單) | 拾書所

A Night to Remember (Holt Paperback) (美國中學閱讀書單)

$ 525 元 原價 525

First published in 1955, A Night to Remember remains a completely riveting account of the Titanic's fatal collision and the behavior of the passengers and crew, both noble and ignominious. Some sacrificed their lives, while others fought like animals for their own survival. Wives beseeched husbands to join them in lifeboats; gentlemen went taut-lipped to their deaths in full evening dress; and hundreds of steerage passengers, trapped below decks, sought help in vain.

Available for the first time in trade paperback and with a new introduction for the 50th anniversary edition by Nathaniel Phil-brick, author of In the Heart of the Sea and Sea of Glory, Walter Lord's classic minute-by-minute re-creation is as vivid now as it was upon first publication fifty years ago. From the initial distress flares to the struggles of those left adrift for hours in freezing waters, this semicentennial edition brings that moonlit night in 1912 to life for a new generation of readers.

本書於 1955 年首次出版,完整描述鐵達尼號撞上冰山的始末,令人驚心動魄,並刻畫乘客和船員在此事件中,所表現出種種崇高或可恥的行為。有些人捨己救人,而有些人為了生存顯露獸性。妻子懇求丈夫一同搭乘救生艇;紳士身穿晚禮服,抿緊嘴唇赴死;而三等艙裡數以百計的乘客受困於甲板下,尋求救援卻徒勞無功。

本書首度以一般平裝版問世,將華特‧勞德的經典作品再次重現於讀者眼前,即使經過了 50 年,本書對此事件的忠實呈現、細緻刻畫仍和首次出版一樣生動鮮明。為紀念本書 50 週年,特別請到《白鯨傳奇:怒海之心》以及《Sea of Glory》的作者拿塔尼爾‧菲畢里克撰寫介紹。此半世紀版本為新一代的讀者重現 1912 年的一個月夜,了解最初遇險時,信號彈的發射,以及當年人們在寒冷水域中漂浮數小時,奮力求生的故事。

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