From the Land of the Moon 熾戀 | 拾書所

From the Land of the Moon 熾戀

$ 525 元 原價 525

來自南法國一座小村莊的嘉布麗兒(瑪莉詠柯蒂亞 飾),夢想著能遇到真愛。在女性自主權受到壓迫的時代,這被視為禁忌的話題,甚至有人說她瘋了。她的父母將她嫁給荷西(艾力克布倫德穆爾 飾),一個誠實又愛家的西班牙農夫,並希望荷西能將她塑造成受人尊崇的女人家。即便荷西全心全意地愛著她,嘉布麗兒卻發誓絕不會愛上自己的丈夫,被二戰後傳統保守的社會觀念給捆綁。

嘉布麗兒宛如被囚禁在籠中的小鳥,夢想著能脫離枷鎖展翅高飛。直到有一天為了治療腎結石,她被送往阿爾卑斯山,因而認識了一名風度翩翩的負傷軍人安德烈(路易卡瑞 飾),掩埋在內心深處的激情再次被燃起,彼此相愛的兩人決定私奔,遠走他鄉。


In her debut novel, Agus follows the fortunes of a Sardinian woman whose adventures begin as WWII comes to an end; the unnamed narrator is her granddaughter who is about to be married. The woman had suitors, but with no firm proposals by 30, she was forced into a marriage to a widower whose experiences in the brothel dictate their life in the bedroom. Several miscarriages and kidney stones later, she is sent to thermal baths on the mainland for a cure, where she takes as her lover a war veteran whose kindness is in stark contrast to her husband's indifference. The veteran has a wife and daughter in Milan and she returns home to give birth to a son. Years later, she searches for her lost love, wandering the streets of Milan. The narrator constantly amends the tale, demonstrating the uncertainty of stories passed down. Agus's descriptions of the everyday are as beautiful and haunting as her portrayal of life's most dramatic episodes.

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