Wreck This Journal | 拾書所

Wreck This Journal

$ 525 元 原價 525

For anyone who's ever had trouble starting, keeping, or finishing a journal or sketchbook comes this expanded edition of Wreck This Journal, an illustrated book that features a subversive collection of prompts, asking readers to muster up their best mistake and mess-making abilities and to fill the pages of the book (or destroy them). Through a series of creatively and quirkily illustrated prompts, acclaimed artist Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in "destructive" acts--poking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting pages with coffee, coloring outside the lines, and more--in order to experience the true creative process. With Smith's unique sensibility, readers are introduced to a new way of art and journal making, discovering novel ways to escape the fear of the blank page and fully engage in the creative process.

對任何一個不太會寫日記、畫素描本的人來說,擴充版的《做了這本書》來幫助你囉!這本插畫書給的指示顛覆你的想像,它要讀者發揮他們犯錯以及把事情搞砸的能力來完成這本書(或是說破壞這本書)。透過一系列既創意又搞怪的插圖指示,知名藝術家凱莉‧史密斯 (Keri Smith) 鼓勵讀者做些「破壞性」的動作以體驗創意的真正過程,像是在頁面上穿洞、貼上照片亂塗、滴上咖啡、畫出界線外等等。作者用獨特的感受力介紹讀者藝術和日記的嶄新創作方法,引導讀者探索全新的方法以走出對空白頁面的恐懼並全心沉浸在創意的過程裡。


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