A National Book Award Finalist One of the "New York Times Book Review"'s 10 Best Books of the Year One of the Best Books of the Year from "The Boston Globe" and "San Francisco Chronicle" In a rising Saudi Arabian city, far from weary, recession-scarred America, a struggling businessman named Alan Clay pursues a last-ditch attempt to stave off foreclosure, pay his daughter's college tuition, and finally do something great. In "A Hologram for the King," Dave Eggers takes us around the world to show how one man fights to hold himself and his splintering family together.
本書榮獲多項殊榮,包括美國國家書卷獎、《紐約時報》年度 10大好書、《波士頓地球報》與《舊金山紀事報》年度最佳書籍。故事主人翁艾倫.克雷因經商失敗,遠從美國這個因衰退而經濟疲弱的國度,來到沙烏地阿拉伯一座新興城市。為了擺脫龐大的債務和支付女兒的大學學費,他決定放手一搏。作者戴夫.艾格斯透過本書,讓讀者看見克雷如何奮力挽救自己與瀕臨破碎的家庭。