Monkey’s Clever Tale (Book + CD) | 拾書所

Monkey’s Clever Tale (Book + CD)

$ 450 元 原價 450

When Ameerah Monkey wants to cross the river, she hatches a plot to trick crocodile into helping her. But how will she escape being his next meal? And will Crocodile ever get his pot of Monkey Tail Soup? This traditional African-Caribbean tale is retold with a twist by storyteller, poet and anthologist Andrew Fusek Peters. Amanda Montgomery-Higham's illustrations perfectly capture the humour and vitality of this tale. Complete with Audio CD.

小猴子愛蜜拉想要渡河,於是她決定要騙鱷魚來幫助她。但是愛蜜拉要怎樣才不會被鱷魚吃掉呢?鱷魚會不會有個美味的猴子大餐呢?編撰人、詩人和作家安德盧.彼得 (Andrew Fusek Peters) 將非裔加勒比海人的故事改編,情節高潮迭起。繪者阿曼達 (Amanda Montgomery-Higham) 所畫的插圖,栩栩如生地呈現本書的幽默之處。隨書  CD  收錄全書內容。


 Age Range: 4 - 7 years

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