Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #10: Showdown at the Alamo | 拾書所

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #10: Showdown at the Alamo

$ 175 元 原價 175

Just in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Flat Stanley, our favorite flat hero, Stanley Lambchop, heads to Texas, where a showdown at the Alamo will make this the most exciting of all his Worldwide Adventures! In this tenth installment of Jeff Brown's humorous Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures series, readers will soar through unforgettable adventure, witness friendship at its best, and learn tons of fun facts about the Lone Star State! And for parents and teachers, each Flat Stanley book is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, like multicultural adventure, plot and character development story elements, and compare and contrast. In this easy-to-read and incredibly hilarious chapter book, Stanley and his friends head to the big state of Texas to visit their pal Eduardo.

From rocking out onstage at a music festival, to riding a horse, to parasailing in the desert, Stanley is having the time of his life! But when a mysterious truck starts following the friends, tensions run high. Who could it be? And what do they want? A suspenseful and surprising showdown at Texas's historic Alamo will reveal all... including Stanley's courageous inner cowboy.

歡慶紙片男孩史丹利度過第五十週年的時刻到囉!我們最喜愛的故事主角紙片男孩史丹利.藍查普 (Stanley Lambchop) 準備和家人前往美國德州,而在德州的阿拉莫有一場重要對決即將展開,這場對決將使本書成為史丹利世界冒險故事中最精彩刺激的一部!作者傑夫布朗 (Jeff Brown) 創造了紙片男孩史丹利環遊世界的冒險系列叢書,本書為此系列的第十冊,幽默逗趣的故事內容將繼續帶領讀者跟著史丹利的腳步飛躍一趟難忘的冒險旅程,見證美好的友誼,並學習許多有關「孤星州」的趣事!對家長和老師來說,本系列叢書的每一冊同時也符合美國各州共同核心課程標準 (Common Core State Standards),例如故事中多元文化的探險經歷、情節與角色發展的故事元素,以及讓孩子學習比較與對照的概念。在這本輕鬆好讀的童書中,史丹利和他的朋友前往幅員廣大的德州拜訪他們的好朋友愛德華多 (Eduardo)。



 Age Range: 6 - 10 years

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