I Can Read 2: Rio 2: One Big Blue Family 里約大冒險 2 | 拾書所

I Can Read 2: Rio 2: One Big Blue Family 里約大冒險 2

$ 111 元 原價 175

From the creators of Ice Age and Epic, Rio 2 flies into theaters in April 2014. Join Blu, Jewel, and all your favorite Rio characters for a wild adventure in this retelling of the movie, perfect for young fans! When a wild blue Spix's Macaw is spotted in the Amazon jungle, Blu and Jewel head off to search for more of their kind. But who they meet is the biggest surprise of all.

Based on the movie, Rio 2: One Big Blue Family is a Level 2 I Can Read book, perfect for kids who read on their own but still need a little help.

2014 年 4 月《冰原歷險記》與《森林戰士》的原班創作人馬所製作的《里約大冒險 2》現身戲院,該片隨即獲得廣大迴響。現在與阿藍、珠兒等所有你最喜愛的《里約大冒險》角色並肩踏上一場野外大冒險,絕對會令《里》片所有小粉絲驚喜連連。 阿籃和珠兒發現有瀕臨絕種的小藍金剛鸚鵡出沒在亞馬遜叢林後,他們隨即前往當地找尋更多鸚鵡同類;然而他們所遇到的人物將會遠遠出乎所有人的意料。

書根據電影改編,屬於《I Can Read》第二級。對可自行閱讀但仍需一些幫助的孩童,可說是再適合不過了。


 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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