At the River’s Edge: The Chesapeake Diaries | 拾書所

At the River’s Edge: The Chesapeake Diaries

$ 280 元 原價 280

After taking stock of her life, Sophie Enright has decided it’s time for a break. Between a law career that’s become criminally dull and a two-timing boyfriend she’s done with once and for all, Sophie desperately needs some time to think and some space to breathe. The perfect place to do both is easygoing St. Dennis, Maryland, where Sophie can visit with her brother while she figures out her options. Once in St. Dennis, she discovers a shuttered restaurant and makes a bold move that is also a leap of faith. Sophie buys the fixer-upper in order to finally pursue her dream career. But Sophie’s labor of love becomes a bone of contention for her new neighbor Jason Bowers. The local landscaper has big plans for growing his business—until Sophie scoops up the property he’s got his eye on. And no amount of buyout offers or badgering from him will get her to budge. It’s hardly the start of a beautiful friendship. But when they’re paired up to work on a community project, they agree to put their differences aside, and sparks begin to fly. Then Sophie’s cheating ex suddenly shows up, looking for a second chance—and threatening to make Jason a third wheel just when his hotheaded feelings about Sophie were turning decidedly warmhearted. All Sophie wants is a new life and a true love. But what are the odds of having both?



仔細思考過這陣子發生的事後,蘇菲.恩萊特認為是時候給自己放個假了。面臨越做越不起勁的律師工作,以及男友的劈腿,在徹底分手後,蘇菲極需一些時間和空間讓自己喘口氣。對蘇菲來說,美國馬里蘭州的聖丹尼斯 (St. Dennis) -生活步調相對悠閒緩慢,是最適合放鬆的地方。她也可以順便去拜訪哥哥,一邊思考接下來要走的路。剛到聖丹尼斯的時候,蘇菲發現一間已歇業的餐廳,並做了一個冒險又大膽的決定。她買下了這間亟需整修的老舊屋子,希望能經營一間屬於自己的餐廳,這是她夢寐以求的工作。蘇菲對這份工作的熱愛卻也成了她和新鄰居傑森.鮑爾斯爭執的原點。這位庭園設計師本來打算買下餐廳的地擴展他的園藝事業,但蘇菲卻先買走了他看上的這塊地。不論傑森開出什麼條件來收購這塊地,蘇菲就是執意不退讓,這樣的相遇聽起來似乎一點也不浪漫。直到他們加入了一個社區計畫,成為搭檔後,彼此才同意盡棄前嫌,兩人之間也漸漸產生了微妙的情愫。不過,蘇菲的前男友卻在這時出現了,他希望挽回蘇菲。這個突如其來的插曲讓傑森彷彿變成他們的電燈泡,但是此時傑森對於蘇菲難以壓抑的情感也越來越強烈。蘇菲想要的不過是一個全新的人生與一份真愛,但她真的能夠同時擁有嗎?

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