Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder? 蘿拉.英格斯.懷德 | 拾書所

Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder? 蘿拉.英格斯.懷德

$ 210 元 原價 210

Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books, based on her own childhood and later life, are still beloved classics almost a century after she began writing them. Now young readers will see just how similar Laura's true-life story was to her books. Born in 1867 in the "Big Woods" in Wisconsin, Laura experienced both the hardship and the adventure of living on the frontier. Her life and times are captured in engaging text and 80 black-and-white illustrations.

Laura Ingalls 的著作《大草原之家》是基於她自己的童年以及後來的生活寫成。在她開始動筆寫下這本書的一個世紀後,此書依舊受到人們的喜愛。現在,年輕讀者將會發現Laura的真實生活與她的作品有許多相似處。Laura1867年出生於威斯康辛州的廣大森林間。經歷了邊境生活的艱辛和冒險。此本書使用引人入勝的文字和80個黑白插圖刻畫了她的生活。

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