What Was Ellis Island? 艾利斯島 | 拾書所

What Was Ellis Island? 艾利斯島

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
It was the gateway to a new life in America for millions of people
Enemies of the United States were detained here during World Wars I and II
It is now a museum celebrating the stories of immigrants
From 1892 to 1954, Ellis Island was the gateway to a new life in the United States for millions of immigrants. In later years, the island was deserted, the buildings decaying. Ellis Island was not restored until the 1980s, when Americans from all over the country donated more than $150 million. It opened to the public once again in 1990 as a museum. Learn more about America’s history, and perhaps even your own, through the story of one of the most popular landmarks in the country.

1892 年至 1954 年,艾利斯島是數百萬移民前往美國新生活的大門。後來幾年,這個島荒廢了,建築物變得殘破不堪。直到 1980 年代,各地美國人捐獻了超過一億五千萬美元,艾利斯島才恢復原貌。1990 年,艾利斯島以博物館的姿態再次對世人開放。透過這個美國最受歡迎的地標學習更多美國的歷史吧!或許你也會意外找到自己家族的足跡喔!

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