Who Was Nelson Mandela ? 納爾遜.曼德拉 | 拾書所

Who Was Nelson Mandela ? 納爾遜.曼德拉

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As a child he dreamt of changing South Africa; as a man he changed the world.  Nelson Mandela spent his life battling apartheid and championing a peaceful revolution.  He spent twenty-seven years in prison and emerged as the inspiring leader of the new South Africa.  He became the country’s first black president and went on to live his dream of change.  This is an important and exciting addition to the Who Was...? series.

小時候,他夢想要改變南非;長大後,他改變了全世界。納爾遜‧曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 費盡一生反對南非種族隔離政策並提倡和平革命。他入獄27年,出獄後成為新南非鼓舞人心的領袖。他成為南非首位黑人總統並持續實踐他改變南非的夢想。本書是《Who Was...?》系列的重量級新作,精彩可期!

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