Go: A Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版) | 拾書所

Go: A Kidd's Guide to Graphic Design (美國中學閱讀書單)(精裝版)

$ 630 元 原價 630

Kids love to express themselves, and are designers by nature─whether making posters for school, deciding what to hang in their rooms, or creating personalized notebook covers. Go, by the award-winning graphic designer Chip Kidd, is a stunning introduction to the ways in which a designer communicates his or her ideas to the world. It’s written and designed just for those curious kids, not to mention their savvy parents, who want to learn the secret of how to make things dynamic and interesting. Chip Kidd is “the closest thing to a rock star” in the design world (USA Today), and in Go he explains not just the elements of design, including form, line, color, scale, typography, and more, but most important, how to use those elements in creative ways. Like putting the word “go” on a stop sign, Go is all about shaking things up―and kids will love its playful spirit and belief that the world looks better when you look at it differently. He writes about scale: When a picture looks good small, don’t stop there―see how it looks when it’s really small. Or really big. He explains the difference between vertical lines and horizontal lines. The effect of cropping a picture to make it beautiful―or, cropping it even more to make it mysterious and compelling. How different colors signify different moods. The art of typography, including serifs and sans serifs, kerning and leading.

孩子樂於表達自己,無論是製作校園海報、私人房間擺掛、或是製作個人筆記本封面,都難不倒他們,因為孩子是天生的設計師。本書由榮獲眾多獎項的平面設計大師 Chip Kidd 所著,別出心裁地說明設計師,如何將個人想法傳遞到世界上。作者特別為了大朋友以及小朋友撰寫本書,閱讀此書既能滿足孩子的好奇心,也適合見識豐富的家長,翻開書本,一同窺探如何讓事物變得生動有趣的秘密吧。 Chip Kidd 被譽為設計界的搖滾巨星(《今日美國》);此外,他在本書中不僅解釋了設計的要素,包含形狀、線條、色彩、比例及字體等,更重要的是如何創意地運用這些要素。例如,將「行」這個字放入停止標誌中。本書顛覆想像,孩子會愛上本書的玩心及信念──只要用不同的方法看世界,世界也會因此變得不同。他是這麼描述比例的:一張圖看起來大小恰當好處時,不要就此罷手,要看看它變很小,或變很大會怎麼樣。作者解釋了垂直線和水平線的差異、裁切圖片帶來的美化效果,或是經過裁切增加設計的神秘與吸引力、如何透過不同的色彩表達不同的心情、以及字體的藝術,包含襯線、無襯線、字距、行距等。


 Age Range: 10 - 17 years

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