A Memory of Light: The Wheel of Time #14 時光之輪14最終部:光明回憶 | 拾書所

A Memory of Light: The Wheel of Time #14 時光之輪14最終部:光明回憶

$ 350 元 原價 350

Since 1990, when Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of TimeR burst on the world with its first book, The Eye of the World, readers have been anticipating the final scenes of this extraordinary saga, which has sold over forty million copies in over thirty languages.

When Robert Jordan died in 2007, all feared that these concluding scenes would never be written. But working from notes and partials left by Jordan, established fantasy writer Brandon Sanderson stepped in to complete the masterwork.

With The Gathering Storm (Book 12) and Towers of Midnight (Book 13) behind him, both of which were # 1 New York Times hardcover bestsellers, Sanderson now re-creates the vision that Robert Jordan left behind.

Edited by Jordan’s widow, who edited all of Jordan’s books, A Memory of Light will delight, enthrall, and deeply satisfy all of Jordan’s legions of readers.


這是光與闇對立的世界 善與惡進行著永無止盡的爭戰
這是時光之輪編織的世界 一部最偉大的奇幻史詩鉅作


蘭德‧亞瑟計畫毀壞闇帝的封印,即使冒著再大的風險,他也決意要做,因為,他認為這是人類的最後希望。 他身邊的人——包括白塔玉座艾雯、安多女王伊蘭,卻認為蘭德終於徹底瘋狂了。他們試圖阻止,但隨著闇帝大軍肆虐各處,最後戰爭已無可避免地到來。

激烈的戰役,人類大軍與獸魔人的鮮血染紅大地。天空烏雲密布,陽光已不復見。時光之輪不停轉動,最終將是人類的勝利,或是末日, 一切, 將在煞妖谷的對戰中做個了結。

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