National Geographic Kids: Chapters Lucky Leopards (Ages: 7-10) | 拾書所

National Geographic Kids: Chapters Lucky Leopards (Ages: 7-10)

$ 210 元 原價 210

Based on the hit feature in National Geographic Kids magazine, we bring you Lucky Leopards, true and inspiring stories of daring animal rescues that will engage and enchant readers of all ages. Packed with full-color photography, and written in fun and lively prose that empowers readers to keep turning pages, these heart-warming stories will leave kids hungry for more of the animal "awwww" factor. National Geographic Kids Chapters picks up where the best-selling National Geographic Readers series leaves off. This new series offers young animal lovers, who are ready for short chapters with lively, true stories just right to carry in a backpack, share with friends, and read under the covers at night.



《National Geographic Kids》雜誌的熱門報導,為您介紹幸運花豹。營救動物的故事既真實又鼓舞人心,吸引各個年齡層的讀者。書中除了全彩照片,逗趣生動的寫作一定能讓讀者看得欲罷不能。這些感人的故事讓孩子們渴望了解更多動物的特點。《National Geographic Kids Chapter》延續了暢銷的《National Geographic Readers》系列,讓喜愛動物的小讀者們可以輕鬆閱讀生動活潑的真實故事,更可以隨身帶著與朋友一同分享。



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