Hot Words for the ACT | 拾書所

Hot Words for the ACT

$ 350 元 原價 350

This helpful book for college-bound students presents and defines more than 250 words that appear in the verbal portions of the ACT exam. Also included are real test taker's anecdotes, memory tips, review exercises, and an alphabetical word index. Lessons provide numerous illustrative sentences using vocabulary relevant to the ACT English, Reading, and Writing tests. College-bound students who successfully complete the book's exercises and master these words will expand their lifelong vocabulary, enrich their essay writing and speaking, and improve their chances for acceptance at the colleges of their choice.



本書對於即將上大學的學生相當有幫助。書中整理並講解超過250個出現在美國大學入學考試 (ACT) 語文測驗的單字,還有考過本測驗考生之應試經驗談、記憶技巧、複習題及依字母順序排列的單字索引。每課皆提供許多例句說明,句中使用的字彙都與 ACT 的英語、閱讀和寫作測驗的必考單字。準大學生若能順利做完本書的練習並精熟這些字彙,將能提升他們一生使用的字彙量,豐富其文章寫作和談話內容,也更有機會進入心目中的理想大學。

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