The Sissy Duckling (Book + CD) | 拾書所

The Sissy Duckling (Book + CD)

$ 350 元 原價 350

From Tony Award–winning actor and playwright Harvey Fierstein, a funny and touching story of a duckling who embraces his identity. Elmer is not like the other boy ducklings. While they like to build forts, he loves to bake cakes. While they like to play baseball, he wants to put on the halftime show. Elmer is a great big sissy. But when his father is wounded by a hunter’s shot, Elmer proves that the biggest sissy can also be the greatest hero. Acclaimed actor and playwright Harvey Fierstein has crafted a heartwarming story, based on his award-winning HBO animated special, about learning to embrace the special qualities we all possess. Henry Cole’s gently humorous illustrations give it a new vitality. This is a book to share with all children, to help them understand that each one of them is unique and valuable.

東尼獎最佳男主角和最佳劇本得主哈維菲爾斯坦所創作的有趣、感人故事── 一隻小公鴨勇敢面對他的性向。艾爾瑪和其他小公鴨不同。其他小公鴨喜歡堆沙堡,他喜歡烤蛋糕;其他小公鴨喜歡打棒球,他則喜歡在中場時作表演。艾爾瑪就是個娘娘腔,然而,當他父親遭獵人槍傷時,娘娘腔卻成為了大英雄!這是一個感動人心的故事,受東尼獎肯定的哈維菲爾斯根據他得獎的 HBO 動畫影集所寫成,教導我們學習擁抱獨特的自己;亨利寇爾略帶詼諧的插畫風格則給予這個畫本不同的生命力。本書適合和所有孩子分享,幫助他們了解他們每個人都是最獨特的、都是有價值的。


 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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