Rat’s Wars: A Pearls Before Swine Collection | 拾書所

Rat’s Wars: A Pearls Before Swine Collection

$ 455 元 原價 455

Acerbic, biting, and hilarious, Pearls Before Swine entertains with its mocking of human nature depicted by a Rat, a Pig, and a cast of predators and prey. "Pearls Before Swine,  the oft-snarky comic that features a kind-hearted pig, a rat with the mind of Mencken, and suburban lions and crocs forever trying to ensnare their zebra (or "zeeba!") neighbors. The strip's sharp, attitudinal zing distinguishes it from some of its less daring neighbors on the funny pages; its panels crackle with pitch-perfect timing." —Michael Cavna, Washington Post

At its heart, Pearls Before Swine is the comic strip tale of two friends: an arrogant Rat who thinks he knows it all and a slow-witted Pig who doesn't know any better. Together, this pair offers caustic commentary on humanity's quest for the unattainable. Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams says that Pearls is "one of the few comics that makes me laugh out loud."

《Pearls Before Swine》系列漫畫利用尖酸刻薄、冷言冷語及詼諧手法,藉由描繪書中老鼠、豬及一群掠食者與獵物來嘲諷人性。「這部充滿尖銳評論的漫畫主角包括一隻善良的豬、一隻言辭犀利的老鼠和一群住在郊區、老想著要如何獵捕斑馬鄰居的獅子跟鱷魚。本漫畫風格鮮明又有趣,有別於其他枯燥無味的同質性作品,且漫畫格還會在關鍵時刻發出音效呢!」《華盛頓郵報》邁可‧卡夫納報導。  

《Pearls Before Swine》這部連載漫畫描述兩個朋友間的故事:一隻自以為什麼都知道的老鼠與一隻反應遲鈍、搞不清楚狀況的豬,刻薄評論人類對遙不可及事物的追求。《呆伯特》漫畫家史考特‧亞當斯表示《Pearls》是少數幾部能讓他剖腹大笑的漫畫。

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