Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog (8-12 years) | 拾書所

Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog (8-12 years)

$ 280 元 原價 280

In Stick Dog Wants a Hot Dog, Tom Watson's hilarious sequel to Stick Dog, Stick Dog returns with the same crew of friends, and they're hungrier than ever. As the dogs embark on their quest for hot dogs, they learn they're not the only ones on a mission—a band of raccoons are following close behind, and they're ravenous, too! In this second book, Stick Dog and his four friends, Poo-Poo, Mutt, Stripes, and Karen, must execute a master plan for stealing hot dogs. The closer they get to the hot dog vendor, the more difficult their mission becomes. With the same hilarious antics, the five dogs are met with many challenges along the way, including having to distract the frankfurter guy and Karen getting locked in a human's house. No matter what, these dogs have their eyes—and stomachs—on the prize.

本書是作者湯姆.華生 (Tom Watson) 所著的《Stick Dog》續集。這次火柴狗和他那群朋友比之前還要餓。當這些他們想辦法要得到美味的熱狗時,發現這次還有一群浣熊跟在牠們後面要和牠們爭熱狗,浣熊們也餓壞了。這次火柴狗和牠四個夥伴,噗噗、麥特、小線條和凱倫必須要策劃一個更詳盡的偷熱狗計畫。當牠們愈靠近賣熱狗的攤販,執行計畫就愈困難。本書詼諧有趣的插圖,畫出五隻小狗在計畫實行中遇到許多挑戰,牠們想要轉移熱狗老闆的視線,卻意外害凱倫不小心被別人帶回家。無論如何,小狗們的眼睛和肚子絕對會緊盯那美味的熱狗,想辦法一飽口福!


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