Daisy: You Do! | 拾書所

Daisy: You Do!

$ 395 元 原價 395

★ 吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 – 同場加映

Daisy's mum tells her: 'Don't pick your nose!" ''You do!' says Daisy, pointing out the time mum was picking her nose on the way to Gran's.

And each time Mum tries to reprimand Daisy for a bad habit, Daisy has an example of when Mum did it, too.

If you liked Eat Your Peas and Really, Really, you will love this book!



喜愛《Eat Your Peas》和《Really, Really》的讀者,一定不能錯過喔!

 Age Range: 0 - 5 years

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