Huff and Puff are a team who stay on track: Huff pulls the train. Puff pushes the train. But when a new speedy train challenges the pair to a race, the caboose and engine must find out if slow and steady can win the race. Ready, set, go! With colorful illustrations from Gill Guile and fun, simple rhymes and verse from Tish Rabe, Huff and Puff will help beginning readers and train lovers strengthen their reading skills. This is a My First I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for shared reading with a child.
小哈 (Huff) 與小吐 (Puff) 是同一條火車軌道上的好搭檔:小哈負責拉火車,小吐負責推火車。但有輛速度極快的新火車想找他們來一場競速比賽。相較於對手的速度優勢,這隊火車好拍檔沉穩的慢步調能否贏得這場比賽呢?各就各位,預備,出發囉!有了吉兒.蓋爾 (Gill Guile) 的美麗插畫搭配上提虛.拉貝 (Tish Rabe) 有趣又容易上口的押韻詩,小哈和小吐將幫助初階讀者以及喜愛火車的小朋友加強閱讀技巧。本書為《My First I Can Read book》系列叢書讀物,非常適合陪伴孩子們一起閱讀。