True Love | 拾書所

True Love

$ 280 元 原價 280

Jude Deveraux, the bestselling author of unforgettable romance, returns with a breathtaking first book in a fantastic new series—the Nantucket Brides trilogy. Set on the magical Massachusetts island, True Love introduces characters from a new generation of Montgomery-Taggerts, the beloved family from Deveraux’s classic novels. Just as Alix Madsen is finishing up architectural school, Adelaide Kingsley dies and wills her, for one year, the use of a charming nineteenth-century Nantucket house. The elderly woman’s relationship to the Madsen family is a mystery to the spirited Alix—fresh from a romantic breakup—but for reasons of her own Alix accepts the quirky bequest, in part because it gives her time to plan her best friend’s storybook wedding.
But unseen forces move behind the scenes, creaking Kingsley House’s ancient floorboards. It seems that Adelaide Kingsley had a rather specific task for Alix: to solve the strange disappearance of one of the Kingsley women, Valentina, more than two hundred years ago. If that wasn’t troubling enough, Alix must deal with the arrogant (and extremely good-looking) architect Jared Montgomery, who is living in the property’s guesthouse.
Unbeknown to Alix, Jared has been charged with looking after her while she lives on the island—an easy task for him, considering the undeniable chemistry between the two. But Jared harbors secrets of his own, which, if revealed, may drive a wedge between the pair.
With a glorious Nantucket wedding on the horizon, sparks fly, and the ghosts of the past begin to reveal themselves—some of them literally. Finding their lives inextricably entwined with the turbulent fortunes of their ancestors, Alix and Jared discover that only by righting the wrongs of the past can they hope to be together.



Jude Deveraux 是多本羅曼史暢銷書的作者,即將以令人屏息的全新系列《the Nantucket Brides 三部曲》強勢回歸。故事場景是在神秘的麻省島,本書中的主角為蒙哥馬利和塔傑特家族的新生代成員,這兩個家族是作者各部經典小說中備受矚目的家庭。正當艾莉克斯‧馬德森即將從建築學院畢業時,阿德萊德‧金斯利死了,遺囑註明她有權使用十九世紀南塔克特島的房子一年。這位老婦人與馬德森家庭的關係對於阿利克斯,這位剛失戀的活潑女子來說是個謎,但她因個人因素接受了這古怪的遺產,有部分原因是因為這樣一來,她便也希望藉此會有時間去計籌劃摯友童話般的婚禮。  

但是,有一股隱形的力量在背後操弄著,把房子老舊的地板弄得吱吱作響。看來,阿德萊德‧金斯利留給艾莉克斯一項艱鉅的任務,就是解開兩百多年前,金斯利家族的某位女性成員瓦倫蒂娜的失蹤謎團。更麻煩的是,阿利克斯還必須面對住在客房那位傲慢又極其俊俏的建築師,賈里德‧蒙哥馬利 。   



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