Who Was Ulysses S. Grant? 尤利西斯.辛普森.格蘭特 | 拾書所

Who Was Ulysses S. Grant? 尤利西斯.辛普森.格蘭特

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Ulysses S. Grant certainly does not have the typical war hero “back story.” Although a graduate of West Point, he never wanted to be a soldier and was terrified when he first saw battle. However, during the Civil War, after many Northern generals failed to deliver decisive victories, U.S. Grant rose to what the times required. He took command of Union forces, helped bring the war to an end in 1865, and went on to serve two terms as president.

尤利西斯‧辛普森‧格蘭特,絕對沒有典型的戰地英雄背景,雖然畢業於西點軍校,但是他從來沒有想過會成為軍人,甚至第一次參戰時還膽顫心驚。儘管如此,在內戰期間,許多北軍將領都無功而返,格蘭特卻能逆勢取勝。後來他授命成為聯邦軍總司令,在 1865 年終結了戰爭,隨後還擔任了兩屆的總統呢!

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