Who Was Robert E. Lee? 勞勃.李 | 拾書所

Who Was Robert E. Lee? 勞勃.李

$ 210 元 原價 210

Robert E. Lee seemed destined for greatness. His father was a Revolutionary War hero and at West Point he graduated second in his class! In 1861, when the Southern states seceded from the Union, Lee was offered the opportunity to command the Union forces. However, even though he was against the war, his loyalty to his home state of Virginia wouldn’t let him fight for the North. Despite the South’s ultimate defeat, General Robert E. Lee remains one of the United States’ true military heroes.

羅伯特‧愛德華‧李的偉大事蹟似乎早已注定。他的父親是美國大革命的英雄,他在西點軍校也以第二名的優秀成績畢業。1861 年,美國南部退出聯邦,李將軍得到機會帶領聯邦軍隊。他原本反對開戰,但是為了效忠家鄉維吉尼亞,於是決定為邦聯作戰。雖然最後邦聯戰敗,李將軍仍然成為美國戰場上的英雄!

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