Take a spectacular 3-D tour through the fascinating world of predators. Young explorers learn about the “mouthy” clouded leopard, the stalking habits of the tarsier, and how the world’s longest snake grabs its victims. The book includes five incredible pop-up scenes with see-through layers and is illustrated with a rich diversity of habitats and predators, including a frozen forest in northern Asia, a dry, sandy semidesert in southwest Africa, and the warm waters off the northeast coast of Australia. Packed with engrossing facts and dazzling pop-ups, this is the ultimate guide to the world’s most remarkable predators. From the scorching desert to the frozen taiga, and from deep below the sea to high in the sky, 3-D Explorer: Predators offers a unique learning experience as as children meet fierce creatures face-to-face.
在肉食動物的奇妙世界中展開綺麗的 3D 之旅吧!小小探險家可以認識叫聲宏亮的雲豹和有著跟蹤習性的眼鏡猴,更可以見識世界上最長的蛇如何攫取獵物!本書內含五組附有透明內頁的立體情境頁面,裡頭有肉食動物及各種棲息地的插圖,像是北亞被冰雪覆蓋的森林、西南非乾燥多沙塵的半沙漠,以及澳洲東北岸外的溫暖海域等。《3-D Explorer: Predators》是介紹世界重要肉食動物的終極導覽書,內容引人入勝,更附有目眩神迷的立體頁面。從乾旱的沙漠到冰寒的針葉林,從海底深處到高空,本書提供小讀者一個特別的體驗,讓他們與這些兇猛生物「面對面」!