Felicity Wishes Parties and Promises (立體書) | 拾書所

Felicity Wishes Parties and Promises (立體書)

$ 780 元 原價 780

After a summer of backpacking around Fairy World and sunbathing on Glitter Beach, Felicity Wishes and her friends go back to school.

But the fairies don't want their holiday to be over so come up with a sparkling plan to bring summer into their classes!

A stunning picture book, brighter than ever, with ingenious mechanisms and a surprise present!

菲莉西蒂和她的朋友一整個暑假都在精靈世界裡旅行,在 Glitter 海灘做日光浴。假期結束了,他們依依不捨的回到學校。



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