Children of God Storybook Bible (宗教-聖經故事) | 拾書所

Children of God Storybook Bible (宗教-聖經故事)

$ 600 元 原價 600

A beautiful book of illustrated Bible stories, retold by the world’s best-loved cleric. Nobel prizewinner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, re-tells over fifty of his favourite Bible stories for an audience of young readers.

From classics such as the stories of Noah and the calming of the storm, to less-known stories such as Naboth’s Vineyard or Ruth, the Archbishop makes these time-honoured stories come to life in his own inimitable voice.

The book has a truly international flavour, with illustrators from around the world contributing their interpretations of the stories. The result is a glorious, and great value, package that will inspire a generation of children – and their carers.

這本插畫精美的聖經故事書,由廣受愛戴的諾貝爾獎得主德斯蒙德·杜圖大主教 (Archbishop Desmond Tutu) 口述,為小讀者講述50多個他最喜愛的聖經故事。  



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