Dooby Dooby Moo (Book + CD) | 拾書所

Dooby Dooby Moo (Book + CD)

$ 350 元 原價 350

Sure, they can type, but did you know that Farmer Brown’s animals can sing? This favorite story is now available as a book and CD package! Duck and his friends are at it again. But this time they’re pooling their considerable resources to win a local talent show, because first prize is a trampoline! The cows want to sing. The sheep want to sing. The pigs want Dance? And Duck? Duck just wants to win that trampoline. But first he’ll have to handle Farmer Brown.

沒錯,布朗農夫所飼養的動物會打字,但你知道他們也會唱歌嗎?這個有趣的故事已經上市,隨書還附贈 CD!小鴨和他的朋友們又來囉!這次他們將竭盡所能贏得當地的才藝大賽,優勝者將可得到一具彈簧跳墊。乳牛們想表演唱歌,綿羊們也想表演唱歌,小豬們居然想跳舞!那小鴨呢?小鴨一心一意只想贏得彈簧跳墊。可是,他得先過布朗農夫這一關。


 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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