I Can Read 1: Amelia Bedelia Chalks One Up | 拾書所

I Can Read 1: Amelia Bedelia Chalks One Up

$ 111 元 原價 175

Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia! This Level 1 I Can Read series about the childhood adventures of America's favorite housekeeper will keep newly independent readers laughing, reading, and expanding their vocabularies. More than 35 million Amelia Bedelia books sold since 1963! When Amelia Bedelia's mother is having a "gray day," Amelia Bedelia knows just what to do to make it brighter. As soon as her mother leaves to go shopping, Amelia Bedelia gets to work on a huge, multicolored sidewalk chalk mural. She enlists her friends and neighbors to help do chalk drawings on her sidewalk, front walk, driveway, fence, and even on the trees and sides of their house. Chalk one up for Amelia Bedelia in this Level 1 I Can Read about teamwork and creativity. Just right for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

快來和小艾蜜莉亞一起學習閱讀!艾蜜莉亞‧貝德莉亞故事書系列自 1963 年銷售以來,已經累積賣出超過 3500 萬本。這本書是《I Can Read》系列讀物的初級讀本;美國最受歡迎小管家的童年冒險故事總是充滿笑料,帶領入門的小讀者在歡笑中學習閱讀,同時拓展他們的字彙量。這天艾蜜莉亞的媽媽好憂鬱,聰明的艾蜜莉亞想到了一個好點子,能讓媽媽開心起來。趁著媽媽外出購物,她開始用粉筆把大大的步道畫成彩色壁畫,她招集了朋友、鄰居來幫忙,在房子周圍的迴廊、前走道、車道、圍籬,甚至是樹上和屋子外牆,都用粉筆畫上他們的創作。初級讀本《Amelia Bedelia Chalks One Up》教育孩子團隊的重要性,開發孩子的創造力,非常適合孩子練習字詞和句子的發音。


 Age Range: 4 - 8 years

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