Giants of Science:Benjamin Franklin 班傑明·富蘭克林 | 拾書所

Giants of Science:Benjamin Franklin 班傑明·富蘭克林

$ 280 元 原價 280

Benjamin Franklin is a famous colonial inventor and multitasker who may be best remembered as one of America’s Founding Fathers. But he was also a “natural philosopher” (the term for scientists back in the 1700s), whose experiments led to important discoveries about the nature of electricity—including his famous demonstration that electricity and lightning were one and the same. In a fantastic addition to the much-lauded Giants of Science series, this biography sheds new light on the man who considered science his true calling in life.

班傑明.富蘭克林是美國殖民地時期一位著名的發明家,不僅身兼數職,還是最受愛戴的美國建國功臣之一。此外,他還是一位「自然哲學家」(1770 年代對科學家的稱呼)。他的實驗對於電的本質有重大發現,包括他的知名論證──閃電就是電。本書為廣受好評的科學巨匠系列,從不同的角度帶領讀者認識以科學為天職的富蘭克林。


 Age Range: 10+ years 

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