Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls | 拾書所

Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls

$ 280 元 原價 280

From here the story could take many turns. When this guy is David Sedaris, the possibilities are endless, but the result is always the same: he will both delight you with twists of humor and intelligence and leave you deeply moved.  Sedaris remembers his father's dinnertime attire (shirtsleeves and underpants), his first colonoscopy (remarkably pleasant), and the time he considered buying the skeleton of a murdered Pygmy.



本書情節峰迴路轉,作者David Sedaris 筆下的故事將為讀者呈現出無限可能,但他所創作的故事都有個相同點:內容充滿層出不窮的幽默與智慧,讓你感到驚奇和喜悅,同時讓你深受感動。Sedaris 記得他父親用餐時的服裝(襯衫和內褲),他第一次結腸鏡檢查 (其實過程還挺愉快的),還有一次他考慮買下一隻遭謀殺的侏儒骨骸。


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