Two best friends face the hardest future of all - a future without each other. In the tradition of 'The Fault in Our Stars', critically acclaimed author Melissa Kantor masterfully captures the joy of friendship and the agony of loss. Zoe and Olivia have always been best friends. And becoming professional ballerinas has always been their goal. But when they turn sixteen the unthinkable happens as Olivia is diagnosed with leukaemia. Falling in love, coping with school and falling out with each other - everything is thrown into a whole new light. A heartbreakingly bittersweet tragedy that reveals profound truths about loss, love and the friends who mean the world to you.
一對好友面臨最艱困的未來──沒有彼此的未來。本書基調與《生命中的美好缺憾》相似,廣受好評的作家美里沙.坎特 (Melissa Kantor) 巧妙地刻劃友誼的美好以及失去的痛苦。一直以來,喬伊和奧麗薇亞都是最好的朋友,成為專業的芭蕾舞者是她們共同的目標。然而,在十六歲那年,一件意想不到的事情發生,奧麗薇亞被診斷罹患白血病。戀愛、學業還有彼此的爭執,好像一切都變了。這部痛人心扉、苦樂參半的悲劇揭示關於失去、愛,以及深厚友誼背後的沉重事實。