The Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀 | 拾書所

The Aeneid 埃涅阿斯紀

$ 120 元 原價 120

Written between 29 and 19 B.C., The Aeneid tells the legendary tale of Aeneas, a Trojan who travelled to Italy, where he became the heroic ancestor of the Romans. This epic poem tells the story of Aeneas’ nomadic travels from Troy to Italy, followed by the Trojans’ victorious war against the Latins. Following on from his appearance in The Iliad, Aeneas’ disconnected wanderings and vague association with the founding of Rome were compiled by Virgil into a compelling, epic and fantastical national foundation myth.

《埃涅阿斯記》大約寫於西元前 29 年到西元前 19 年間,描述特洛伊英雄埃涅阿斯來到義大利,成為羅馬人偉大祖先的旅程。這部史詩述說埃涅阿斯逃出被攻陷的特洛伊城,一路浪跡天涯,最後來到義大利,並擊敗拉丁人率領的大軍,取得勝利。  本書接續《伊利亞德》之後的故事發展,特洛伊戰敗後,作者維吉爾彙集埃涅阿斯片段的流浪過程,加上羅馬立國的相關記述,撰寫成書,情節引人入勝、史詩氣勢磅礡、故事絕妙稱奇,是堪稱鉅作的建國神話故事。

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