Scholastic UK Popcorn Readers Starter: Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob’s New Toy (Book+CD) | 拾書所

Scholastic UK Popcorn Readers Starter: Spongebob Squarepants: Spongebob’s New Toy (Book+CD)

$ 220 元 原價 220

Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. In SpongeBob's New Toy, SpongeBob and Patrick are waiting for some special post. But when will it arrive? Based on an episode from the series.

廣泛閱讀對有助於增強語言流暢度,而在英語語言教學 (ELT) 的過程中,初階學童需要的是與時俱進且淺顯易懂的讀物。海綿寶寶和派大星正在等一個神祕包裹!可是到底什麼時候才會送到呢?本系列內容根據海綿寶寶卡通所改編。

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