What Was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? 路易斯與克拉克遠征 | 拾書所

What Was the Lewis and Clark Expedition? 路易斯與克拉克遠征

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Which of these facts are true?
A group of young explorers—including one brave Native American girl—made up the expedition
It was a dangerous journey across unknown land in the American West
It was a real-life adventure story
When Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and the “Corp of Discovery” left St. Louis, Missouri, on May 21, 1804, their mission was to explore the vast, unknown territory acquired a year earlier in the Louisiana Purchase. The travelers hoped to find a waterway that crossed the western half of the United States. They didn’t. However, young readers will love this true-life adventure tale of the two-year journey that finally brought the explorers to the Pacific Ocean.

1804 年 5 月 21 號,梅里韋瑟.劉易斯、威廉.克拉克和「探索軍團」一行人離開密蘇里的聖路易斯,探索廣大未知的路易斯安那,這塊土地一年前被美國買下。這個探險團隊希望找到能橫跨美國西部的水道,結果卻不盡人意。但是他們兩年的旅途,終是成就他們橫跨太平洋的壯舉!

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