Susan B. Anthony may be an international icon but her campaign for women’s rights had personal roots. Working as a school teacher in New York, Anthony refused to settle for less pay than her male colleagues which ignited her lifelong devotion to women’s equality. Anthony toured the United States and Europe giving speeches and publishing articles as one of the most important advocates of women’s rights. Learn more about the woman behind the movement in Who Was Susan B. Anthony?
蘇珊.安東尼 (Susan B. Anthony) 確實是國際婦女運動的代名詞,但她的女權運動其實有著更深的個人淵源。安東尼曾在紐約擔任學校教師,她不服當時自己的薪資比她的男性同事還要低,也因為這件事情,促發她貢獻一生追求女性平等。安東尼在美國和歐洲各地巡迴演講,發表相關議題的文章,是非常重要的女權提倡者。透過本書 《Who Was Susan B. Anthony? 》你將會更加瞭解這位致力於女權運動的偉大女性。