Who Was Rachel Carson? 瑞秋.卡森 | 拾書所

Who Was Rachel Carson? 瑞秋.卡森

$ 210 元 原價 210

Though she grew up in rural Pennsylvania, Rachel Carson dreamed of the sea. In 1936 she began work with the Bureau of Fisheries and soon after published Under the Sea Wind, her first of many nature books. Her 1962 bestseller, Silent Spring, sent shockwaves through the country and warned of the dangers of DDT and other pesticides. A pioneering environmentalist, Rachel Carson helped awaken the global consciousness for conservation and preservation.

雖然瑞秋.卡森 (Rachel Carson) 從小在美國賓夕法尼亞州的農村長大,但她卻一直嚮往著大海。1936 年,她開始在美國漁業署工作,不久便出版了她第一本關於自然的著作《海風下》(Under the Sea Wind)。她在 1962 年的暢銷著作《寂靜的春天》震撼全美,更警惕人們 DDT 以及其他殺蟲劑帶來的危害。身為環境保護人士的先驅,瑞秋.卡森 (Rachel Carson) 喚醒了全球關心環保以及永續發展的意識。

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