Puffin Young Readers 2: Pip’s Trip | 拾書所

Puffin Young Readers 2: Pip’s Trip

$ 111 元 原價 140

Midge, Pip, and Dot are hens. They live on Loopy Coop Farm. Every day, they watch the farmer's truck drive away. They want to know where it goes. So, one day, Pip climbs onto the truck. It starts up. Oh, no! Pip is in for a wild ride, and so are you! With thick black lines and bright colors, Stoeke's whimsical illustrations bring the charming characters to life. The economy and humor of the text combined with a lovely message make this book a winner.--Kathleen Kelly MacMillan, Carroll County Public Library, MD



小小、皮皮和點點是母雞。她們住在魯波農舍。每天她們都會看著農場主人的卡車開走,她們好想知道車子會開去哪兒。所以有一天皮皮就跳上卡車了,糟糕!車子發動了!皮皮踏上瘋狂之旅了,你們也是!史多克 (Stoeke) 的黑色線條及明亮色彩讓這些可愛的插畫變成栩栩如生的迷人角色。美國馬里蘭州卡羅圖書館的館員瑟琳‧凱莉‧麥克米林說:「本書的安排以及幽默,再加上溫馨的寓意,讓這本書大獲全勝。」

Age Range: 6-7 years

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