Freedom’s School | 拾書所

Freedom’s School

$ 630 元 原價 630

★ 李貞慧推薦國中生繪本

When Lizzie's parents are granted their freedom from slavery, Mama says its time for Lizzie and her brother Paul to go to a real school--a new one, built just for them. Lizzie can't wait. The scraps of learning she has picked up here and there have just made her hungry for more.

The walk to school is long. Some days it's rainy, or windy, or freezing cold. Sometimes there are dangers lurking along the way, like angry white folks with rocks, or mysterious men on horseback. The schoolhouse is still unpainted, and its very plain, but Lizzie has never seen a prettier sight. Except for maybe the teacher, Mizz Howard, who has brown skin, just like her...

They've finally made it to Freedom's School. But will it be strong enough to stand forever?

當麗茲的雙親解脫奴役、重獲自由,媽媽說 : 「是時候讓她和弟弟保羅接受真正的教育了,而且要在一所全新、為他們量身打造的學校。」麗茲已等不及了,她從父母身上學到的零散知識,只讓她渴望學到更多。



 Age Range: 6 - 9 years

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