The Improbability Principle 不大可能法則 | 拾書所

The Improbability Principle 不大可能法則

$ 525 元 原價 525

In The Improbability Principle, the renowned statistician David J. Hand argues that extraordinarily rare events are anything but. In fact, they're commonplace. Not only that, we should all expect to experience a miracle roughly once every month. But Hand is no believer in superstitions, prophecies, or the paranormal. His definition of "miracle" is thoroughly rational. No mystical or supernatural explanation is necessary to understand why someone is lucky enough to win the lottery twice, or is destined to be hit by lightning three times and still survive. All we need, Hand argues, is a firm grounding in a powerful set of laws: the laws of inevitability, of truly large numbers, of selection, of the probability lever, and of near enough. Together, these constitute Hand's groundbreaking Improbability Principle.

And together, they explain why we should not be so surprised to bump into a friend in a foreign country, or to come across the same unfamiliar word four times in one day. Hand wrestles with seemingly less explicable questions as well: what the Bible and Shakespeare have in common, why financial crashes are par for the course, and why lightning does strike the same place (and the same person) twice. Along the way, he teaches us how to use the Improbability Principle in our own lives--including how to cash in at a casino and how to recognize when a medicine is truly effective.

An irresistible adventure into the laws behind "chance" moments and a trusty guide for understanding the world and universe we live in, The Improbability Principle will transform how you think about serendipity and luck, whether it's in the world of business and finance or you're merely sitting in your backyard, tossing a ball into the air and wondering where it will land.









連續贏得樂透、突如其來的金融風暴、多次被閃電打到,數學教授漢德在這本精心規畫的書裡告訴我們,這些事件雖然驚人,卻是意料中應該發生的事。小到個人、大至宇宙,有幾項因素讓一些看似不大可能發生的事件經常出現在我們四周。書裡提出的概念雖然學術,卻毫不枯燥,讓人很有感覺,而且行文流暢,例子又吸引人。漢德指出機率有一些面向和我們的直覺相反,並介紹人類對機率的認識如何隨時間發展。他用輕快的筆調,悄悄吸引我們深入機率的世界,告訴我們機率也關乎人,關乎我們認為特別的事物,以及背後的原因。瞭解這些驚人事件背後的優雅結構,不僅不會讓我們幻滅,對這些事件不再感到神奇,而是更加讚嘆。對想要瞭解機率原理的讀者,甚至對根本不曉得機率是什麼的人來說,這本書絕對值得一讀。──《書目》雜誌,布里吉特‧索爾森(Bridget Thoreson)

這本書非常有趣,令人大開眼界,告訴我們誤用統計會讓我們用偏誤的角度看世界。──《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)


在我印象中,很少有一本書能夠這麼旁徵博引又如此有趣,然而《不大可能法則》做到了。這絕對不是巧合!──谷歌首席經濟學家,哈爾‧瓦里安(Hal Varian)

結合了統計思維與真實事件,是一本優雅、清楚明瞭又有趣的作品。──《數字遊戲》作者,安德魯‧狄爾諾(Andrew Dilnot)

我在飛機上遇到我的妻子,而且是我幾乎沒坐過的航空公司,因此我全力推薦大衛‧漢德這本精彩的不大可能法則導論。這個概念影響著所有人的生活,卻一直沒有人完整說明它背後的原理。──「風險管理方案」(Risk Management Solutions)災害學家,戈登‧伍(Gordon Woo)

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