What Was the Hindenburg? 興登堡號 | 拾書所

What Was the Hindenburg? 興登堡號

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
The Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built–over eight hundred feet long
It burned in less than a minute
The cause of the disaster remains a mystery to this day
At 800-feet long, the Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built–just slightly smaller than the Titanic! Also of a disastrous end, the zeppelin burst into flame as spectators watched it attempt to land in Lakehurst, New Jersey on May 6, 1937. In under a minute, the Hindenburg was gone, people jumping from windows to escape. However, only 62 of the 97 crew members and passengers onboard survived. The exact cause of the disaster is still unknown and remains a fascinating historical mystery perfect for this series.

全長 800 英尺,興登堡號是史上最大的飛船,它僅略小於鐵達尼號!而它的命運於鐵達尼號相似,1937 年 5 月 6 號,,興登堡號在眾目睽睽下嘗試降落於紐澤西州的萊克赫斯特時,突然在空中起火燃燒,變成一顆大火球。一分鐘之內,整艘飛船便燃燒殆盡,求生的人們爭相從窗戶跳下。船上 97 名機組人員和乘客中,僅有 62 人生還。該場災難的原因仍是個不解之謎,是本系列中令人著迷的歷史謎團。

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