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$ 350 元 原價 350

George Wilson, M.D., a radiology resident in Los Angeles, is about to enter a profession on the brink of an enormous paradigm shift, foreshadowing a vastly different role for doctors everywhere. The smartphone is poised to take on a new role in medicine, no longer as a mere medical app but rather as a fully customizable personal physician capable of diagnosing and treating even better than the real thing. It is called iDoc. George's initial collision with this incredible innovation is devastating. He awakens one morning to find his fiancee dead in bed alongside him, not long after she participated in an iDoc beta test. Then several of his patients die after undergoing imaging procedures. All of them had been part of the same beta test. Is it possible that iDoc is being subverted by hackers--and that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up? Despite threats to both his career and his freedom, George relentlessly seeks the truth, knowing that if he's right, the consequences could be lethal.



喬治‧威爾森擁有醫學博士學位,即將在洛杉磯任職放射科駐院醫生,同時醫界將有重大變革,這項變革將讓醫生的角色變得跟以往不同。智慧型手機在醫界將扮演嶄新角色,它不再只是提供簡易的醫療應用程式,而是一個完全客製化的個人醫師,能夠診斷疾病並治療,甚至比真的醫生還要好。這項創舉名為 iDoc。喬治與這項驚人創新的首次相遇卻帶來毀滅性的結果。他一早發現他未婚妻死在他床邊,而在不久前她參予了 iDoc 的臨床測試。緊接著喬治的數名病患在經歷照影程序後,離奇地死亡。這些死去的病患都參予了相同的臨床測試。是不是 iDoc被駭客入侵並反轉了程式設定?或者美國政府涉嫌掩蓋什麼不法情事?追緝真相可能會危急自身前途及生命安全,但喬治仍鍥而不捨地搜索真相,他知道一但假設成立,後果將致命萬分!


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