Grammar Handbook For College-Level EFL Students 第三版 | 拾書所

Grammar Handbook For College-Level EFL Students 第三版

$ 490 元 原價 490

Grammar Handbook For College-Level EFL Students is an English grammar book for reference and practice, designed for intermediate to advanced college students of English. It offers a comprehensive study of English grammar, including sentence patterns, the eight parts of speech, verb tenses, the passive,
modals, phrases, and clauses, and so forth.
Grammar Handbook For College-Level EFL Students aims to help the students with a basic knowledge of grammatical terms to deal more effectively with the English language. The chapters in this book are broken into several units and arranged systematically for progressive learning. Every grammar rule listed in each unit is provided with example sentences to reinforce students’ learning.
This grammar book can also help students who want to do self-study since it offers practice quizzes, which include both preview tests and review tests, together with the answer key.


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