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Love Without Limits

$ 525 元 原價 525





力克‧胡哲(Nick Vujicic )天生罹患「海豹症」,生下來就沒有手腳。他曾經三次自殺未遂,但後來卻成為高中學生會的主席,而且熱愛各種運動,衝浪、足球、潛水、滑板、高爾夫球樣樣難不倒他。他不畏身體的殘缺,反而說自己的人生「幸福得不像話」,並用自己的故事鼓勵了全球各地無數的人。但是,二十多歲的時候,他開始擔心自己永遠也找不到願意和他共享和共創故事、一起終老的另一半。




兩人雖然極為投緣,情路卻也並非一帆風順,一路走來曲曲折折,最後終於有情人終成眷屬。這段故事,兩人將在《Love Without Limits》當中告訴你。讀者將會讀到兩人如何相遇、相知、相惜,如何面對其他人懷疑的眼光,終於步入婚姻。新婚的生活,還有當新手父母的心得。所有的有情人都應該讀讀這本書,除了感動之外,書中也充滿實用的智慧。


It Doesn't Take a Perfect Person to Find a Perfect Love Even though he was born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic created a "ridiculously good life." But after dating disappointments and a failed relationship, he reached his mid-twenties worried that he would never find a woman to love him and share his life. Then Nick met Kanae and everything changed. But even with undeniable chemistry, they would have to navigate twists and turns worthy of a romantic comedy before becoming "one" in marriage. In Love Without Limits Nick and Kanae tell how they improbably found each other, fell in love, and then fought to overcome skepticism from others about their relationship. Filled with practical insights that will benefit any couple, this inspiring book describes a godly courtship and the early years of the Vujicics' marriage and parenting journey. Above all, Love Without Limits is an inspiring reminder that when Christ is at the center of a relationship--even with serious challenges - true love will triumph.


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