Snail ant Turtle are Friends (M) (Book + CD) (Ages 3+) | 拾書所

Snail ant Turtle are Friends (M) (Book + CD) (Ages 3+)

$ 350 元 原價 350

Today’s contribution to my book-a-day week of children’s books is a sweet tale about acceptance and finding common ground. Snail and Turtle are friends, even though they’re very different. Snail likes to eat leaves, but Turtle likes to eat flowers. Snail likes to climb, but Turtle likes to swim. Luckily, they’ve found lots of other things that both of them love to do. Snail and Turtle are friends – simple as that. This book features minimal dialogue, colourful cartoon-like illustrations and a message that’s easily understood by the very young. It’s out in hard cover at this stage, making it a sturdy and charming gift for handling by little fingers. My own kids really warmed to this story, even the oldest. In my clever Miss 7′s words, it taught her that “you don’t have to skip around claiming to be BFFs to have a good time with your friends!” Hear, hear.




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