Who Was Galileo? 伽利略.伽利萊 | 拾書所

Who Was Galileo? 伽利略.伽利萊

$ 210 元 原價 210

Like Michelangelo, Galileo is another Renaissance great known just by his first name--a name that is synonymous with scientific achievement. Born in Pisa, Italy, in the sixteenth century, Galileo contributed to the era's great rebirth of knowledge. He invented a telescope to observe the heavens. From there, not even the sky was the limit! He turned long-held notions about the universe topsy turvy with his support of a sun-centric solar system. Patricia Brennan Demuth offers a sympathetic portrait of a brilliant man who lived in a time when speaking scientific truth to those in power was still a dangerous proposition.


就像米開朗基羅一樣,伽利略同為文藝復興時期的重要人物,他的名字家喻戶曉,更與偉大的科學成就畫上等號。伽利略生於十六世紀的義大利比薩城,催生影響當代甚鉅的知識復興。他所發明的望遠鏡使人類一窺宇宙奧秘,擴展人類視野,同時也支持哥白尼的日心說。藉由作者 Patricia Brennan Demuth 的筆鋒,了解伽利略不懼威權,勇敢推翻錯誤觀念,向世人呈現正確的科學事實。

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