Where Is Mount Rushmore? 拉什莫爾山 | 拾書所

Where Is Mount Rushmore? 拉什莫爾山

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
It is a cliff in South Dakota with the heads of four presidents carved into it
The original carving of Jefferson’s face was completely blasted off and started all over again
It is one of the world’s largest sculptures—the presidents’ noses are almost twenty feet high!
It was world-famous sculptor Gutzon Borglum’s dream to carve sixty-foot-high likenesses of four presidents on a granite cliff in South Dakota. Does that sound like a wacky idea? Many at the time thought so. Borglum faced a lot of opposition and problems at every turn; the blasting and carving carried out through the years of the Great Depression when funding for anything was hard to come by. Yet Mount Rushmore now draws almost three million visitors to the Black Hills every year. This is an entertaining chronicle of one man’s magnificent obsession, which even today sparks controversy.

世界知名雕刻家格曾‧博格勒姆的夢想,就是在美國南達科他州的花崗岩峭壁,打造高達 60 呎的四任美國總統頭像。這個想法是否聽起來很瘋狂?當時不少人確實這麼認為。博格勒姆的點子激起不少反對聲浪和各種疑問,但岩石爆破及雕刻的工程,在資金不易取得的經濟大蕭條時期,仍然如火如荼進行。如今,這件曠世鉅作每年吸引近三百萬遊客造訪拉什莫爾山。或許創作過程飽受爭議,但這位有趣的雕刻狂的經歷錯過絕對可惜!

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