Where Is the White House? 白宮 | 拾書所

Where Is the White House? 白宮

$ 210 元 原價 210
Which of these facts are true?
When it was first built, the White House wasn’t even white
George Washington is the only president who never lived there
The White House has its own movie theater, swimming pool and bowling alley
The history of the White House, first completed in 1799, reflects the history of America itself. It was the dream of George Washington to have an elegant “presidential mansion” in the capital city that was named after him. Yet he is the only president who never got to live there. All the rest have made their mark–for better or worse–on the house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Megan Stine explains how the White House came to be and offers young readers intriguing glimpses into the lives of the First Families–from John and Abigail Adams to Barack and Michelle Obama.

美國白宮於 1799 年竣工,亦為其建國史寫照。在以華盛頓為名的首都,建造一個典雅的「總統官邸」是喬治‧華盛頓的願望,不過他是唯一未曾踏入白宮的總統。之後歷任總統不論評價好壞,都曾在位於賓夕法尼亞大道 1600 號的這棟建物留下蹤跡。作者梅根‧史坦除了敘述白宮發展史,也帶領年輕讀者一窺歷代第一家庭(第二任總統約翰‧亞當斯到第四十四任總統巴拉克‧歐巴馬)的生活。

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